Cooking tips? You aren't in any need of any, are you? That said, a useful tip would be to read the information below on cooking with a Skottsberg pan. Because that way, you'll be sure to present some decent-looking food. We'll keep it as brief as possible, promise.
Your Skottsberg pan is an excellent conductor of heat. As such, it is suitable for all types of heat sources (induction, oven, barbecue, open flame). But beware: it's best not to put a stainless steel pan on a BBQ or an open flame.

A great pan like this is guaranteed to make cooking a treat. Provided you stick to the tips below. Because nobody wants a piece of meat stuck to the bottom of the pan or a pan that is warped.
Tip 1
Show your food some care and take it out of the fridge in time. Using food at room temperature avoids having to serve a charred piece of meat.
Tip 2
Allow the pan to reach temperature slowly. Do not turn the gas (or other heat source) on to full heat right away. Because if your pan gets hot too quickly, it can warp.
Tip 3
Patience is a virtue. Always wait for the pan to reach the right temperature before adding fat. And don't be shy with the amount of fat you use the first time!
Want to find out more about what not to do when using a Skottsberg pan and how to overcome these mistakes? Read our blog article on the 6 most common mistakes.
Cooking with a non-stick stainless steel pan requires a little more explanation than cooking with a cast iron or carbon steel pan . One of the main advantages of a stainless-steel pan: you can see when the pan has reached the right temperature. How? Put a few drops of water in the pan. If those droplets start dancing merrily, the pan is perfectly at temperature. Find out more about cooking with a stainless-steel pan and how to prevent food from sticking to it in our blog article .

Unlike a pan with a synthetic non-stick coating, you can use metal kitchen utensils such as a spatula with our cast iron and carbon steel pans. Why? A metal spatula will scratch your pan and damage the non-stick coating. With a synthetic non-stick coating, this will result in loose bits of non-stick coating that you'd rather not have in your food. As our cast iron and carbon steel pans are impregnated with a natural oil , it won't be an issue if you scratch the non-stick coating. You can confidently scrape off food leftovers with it, which a plastic spatula couldn't do. Do re-season your pan with oil again afterwards if you have scraped away too much to restore the natural non-stick coating.
Note: if you want to avoid scratches, it is better not to use a metal spatula in a stainless-steel pan.